

Friday, August 10, 2012

We're having a baby!

We are having a baby! The fears and frustrations come and go and sometimes it is hard not to let them overshadow what is most important --we have a beautiful little miracle on the way! A cute and cuddly little babe.

October 20th is getting closer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ultrasound #5

Today we had our 5th ultrasound. It was exciting to get another glimpse of our little boy. We were hoping for a 3D ultrasound because this option had been mentioned by someone on the cleft team but we just had a regular one today. The technician said the doctor wanted to see how the baby was growing. I guess you don't need 3D for that! I think they check the growth because of other issues that can be associated with clefts. From what we could see everything looked good. (You know, in our professional opinions.) We should get the results from the doctor in the next couple of days.

The baby made it hard to get a good view of his face. His little arms were in the way! They are such cute little arms. The tech estimated his weight at 3 lbs 4 oz. Kinda fun to think about. At the last 2 or 3 ultrasounds he was measuring to his due date but today he was measuring a few days ahead. We had the same tech who discovered the cleft and it was nice to be able to talk to her again. She confirmed our suspicions that she saw the cleft at the first ultrasound she had done. The doctor she called asked her why she had been looking at the face because that ultrasound was supposed to be a limited one just to get the images they wanted of the heart. She said she always looks at the face and I am really glad she does!

Baby arms:

Utlrasound Update:

We got the results of the ultrasound from the doctor and baby is on track for growth. Good news!