One year ago today on a rainy fall morning we welcomed Wyatt into the world and into our family. This year has flown by. It has been filled with all the adventures of babyhood and more. Making it to this one year mark seems to be a milestone in our journey. We knew this first year would bring the most challenges but we have overcome them all and Wyatt is thriving. I love watching him grow and develop into his own little person.
Everyday we see more and more of his unique personality coming out. He is so happy! He smiles all the time and when he is excited about something it radiates from every part of him. He is learning and absorbing new sounds all the time and loves to practice. He gets quite the kick out of listening to himself talk. He has conquered sitting up and rolling and crawls at the speed of lightning. I love the way he wiggles his back when getting comfy, snuggles in when he is tired, giggles when he is happy, squeals when he is frustrated (especially when trying to pull those stubborn socks off his feet) and grunts/growls/roars for no reason at all. He interacts more and more with the world and people around him everyday. He especially loves following his big sister around. He likes to play peek-a-boo and I was excited to get my first kisses from Wyatt just his week.
My heart feels more full than I ever thought possible. Both our children bring us so much joy. I absolutely adore this little guy.
Happy birthday to my sweet boy. Mommy loves you.