

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Appointment with University of Minnesota cleft team

Last Friday we met with a couple members of the University of Minnesota cleft team including the team coordinator and plastic surgeon. We were able to get a lot of information and some idea of what the plan for treatment might look like. When he is born and the doctors can get a better look at the cleft they will know more. They are also recommending we do a 3D ultrasound.

I am really liking this whole team approach thing! A team of surgical, medical, dental, speech and hearing professionals will ensure our baby receives the most effective, efficient and cost-saving treatment. Did I mention how awesome it is to also have a coordinator to help us manage everything?! She helps us with appointments, dealing with insurance, and will even come to the hospital when the baby is born to help us with our first hurdle, feeding. The plastic surgeon would like to see the baby as soon as possible after birth. Probably within a week or two so as soon as we are up to getting out and about we will be there.

The team would continue to monitor our baby until he is 21 years old!


  1. This is absolutely amazing! You both are just awesome parents :)

  2. Sounds like a great program! How nice to have all of this assistance to ensure only the best for your little boy :)
