

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hearing Tests

Wyatt had his first hearing test and visit to the ENT today. The ENT is another member of the cleft team we are working with because in addition to the cleft impacting his physical appearance, teeth and speech it can also cause hearing problems. Regular hearing tests and visits to the ENT will become part of our routine.

Clefts can cause fluid to build up in the ear which can lead to hearing loss and other issues such as more frequent ear infections. Because of this most children with a cleft have tubes put in their ears to help with draining. It was just assumed from the beginning Wyatt would need tubes and we even prescheduled the procedure to be done during his next surgery.

We thought Wyatt's ears were fine because he hasn't had any ear infections yet and responds to sounds, startles, etc. Well, he didn't pass his hearing tests today. He definitely has some fluid build up and will have tubes put in during surgery next week. No big deal. Just another step in the process.

After sleeping through the first part of the appointment he woke up and was all smiles. Bella was there for moral support. Here are some pictures of our visit today:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A little about Wyatt @ 6 mo

Our little man is growing so fast. He is officially 6 months old! Here is a little about Wyatt at 6 months:
  • Just learned to roll over and is working on mastering this new skill. He is quite the roly poly.
  • He is in the beginning stages of sitting up. We help him and prop him up a lot and he is getting stronger every day. He is so proud of himself when we practice. He looks up at us with those bright eyes and big smile. My heart melts. Daddy says he knows he is "kind of a big deal."
  • He still kicks his legs and waves his arms when he is excited. Especially when mommy, daddy or his bottle are near.
  • He is such a happy baby! Lots of smiles, squeals, babbling and laughter. "Ma ma ma ma ma ma" is my favorite.
  • This kid loves his toys and gives preference to those that make noise and light up. He particularly enjoys swatting things with his hands and feet or banging his toys against other objects. Bang, bang, bang, bang!
  • Sleeps through the night. Well, most nights.
  • Finds his big sister fascinating.
  • Is comforted by the feeling of his soft blankies on his face.
  • He is content, observant and getting easier and easier to take places.
  • He has the sweetest eyes and is just plain sweet by nature.

I can't get enough of him.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday Morning

It has been a while so I thought I would post a quick update. Wyatt is five and a half months old! The initial hustle and bustle of doctor appointments has settled down and we made it through Wyatt's first surgery. We are loving our new life as a family of four. Here is peak at our Sunday morning:

 Hanging out with big sister.

 Here's Wyatt!

 The big sister.

 Wyatt's new best friend, Max. 

Brother & Sister

Wyatt's next surgery will be May 8. It will be the real deal as far as the lip and nose go. Before that we are scheduled to meet with an ENT to take a look at his ears. The cleft can cause fluid to build up and some hearing loss. Depending on how his ears are doing he may have tubes put in at the same time as his lip repair.