

Our Cleft Story

I started this blog as a way of sharing our cleft journey with family and friends. I will continue to add to this page as our little boy's story progresses.

What is a cleft?

A cleft of the lip and/or palate occurs very early in pregnancy. The face and head form from back to front, normally meeting in the middle and forming the two lines under the nose and the raised ridge running down the center of the palate as they fuse. If the timing is off for some reason, the lip and/or the palate fail to fuse completely, and the resulting gap is the cleft. Wyatt was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate.

What causes a cleft? Is it genetic or environmental, or just random?

The causes of clefting are only partially understood. In some cases it runs in families, and some ethnic groups have a higher incidence of clefting, but most of the time there is no family history and no connection to any other health problems. There are also some environmental factors which can increase the risk, such as maternal smoking, certain medications and high exposure to pesticides, but again most of the time it is just a random thing.

Clefts are the most common birth defect, affecting one in every 600 births in the U.S. Many of us know people affected by clefts, but most of the time don't realize it because of the wonderful success of repairs, which are performed so early most of us have never seen an unrepaired cleft lip.

Helpful resources:

The resource I think has the most helpful and accurate information is the Cleft Palate Foundation (which has information about both cleft lip and cleft palate):

Wyatt's timeline so far:


July 5, 2012:

24 week ultrasound indicated baby may have a cleft lip.


July 10, 2012:

Level II ultrasound confirms unilateral cleft lip and probably palate. We would find out more about the extent of the cleft at birth.


July 13, 2012:

Interview University of Minnesota cleft team.

August 1, 2012:

Follow-up ultrasound to check growth. Baby's growth looks good.

October 23, 2012

Wyatt is born at 10:46 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and was 21 in long.

October 26, 2012

Appointment with Dr. Lacey who will be doing Wyatt's surgery. First surgery will be scheduled for mid to late January.

November 2, 2012

First appointment with orthodontist to do impressions for NAM and start taping.

January 16, 2013

Pre surgery appointment with Dr. Lacey.

February 6, 2013

Wyatt's first surgery: Lip Adhesion

May 8, 2013

Wyatt's second surgery: Lip Nose Repair

September 18, 2013

Wyatt's third surgery: Palate Repair

December 3, 2014

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

October 14, 2015

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

September 21, 2016

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

November 7, 2016

Tonsillectomy and Tubes

September 27, 2017

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

March 26, 2018

Adenoidectomy and Tubes

September 19, 2018

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

September 18, 2019

Annual Cleft Clinic at University of Minnesota

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